Brother against Brother

Following is a report of a skirmish ACW game.
We (me and my arch-nemesys Giuseppe, used Brother Against Brother rules. These rules are (in this moment) out of production on paper, but are available in pdf and are quite easy to find on ebay.
A reprint was mentioned as incoming, but possibly if you contact the author he may give you a digital copy

The scenario in this game was simple, two small groups , one unionist and one confederate, while foraging close to the border got news of a mill with a deposit of flour.  A beatiful place for foraging..
Target of the game was to take the flour and bring it off table on own side, or destroy the opponent
To bring the flour away a whole unit was needed, which could not shoot during the trasport.
Oh... I almost forgot... being a border area you never know if the person in fornt of you side for you or against... so when the mill was reached, we had to throw a dice, 1 the guardian was confederate fan, 6 an union one, 2-3-4-5 it did not matter which side was , the guy thought to take those vacation long desired and run....
We had 3 units (10 soldiers) each plus a commander, I got the North and Giuseppe the South

Giuseppe started a flank march on his left, then with one unit he tried to occupy the mill and the third is kept in reserve
I also run for the mill, while I sent an unit to cross the river on my left, and the third stopped to screen the main one from the tentative flank march Giuseppe was doing
My screening unit goes in cover while the other run for the bridge
Looking for the enemy arrival
Giuseppe is ahead in the run for the miill, and decide to arrive on the back, so to cover from my arriving troops
A close up of above
My troops reach the river
Giuseppe arrives to the mill and start to open the door but...bad luck... the guardian is an unionist, and a really convinced one and will never leave those dirty rebels steal his flour
So we start to shoot... the guardian make some lucky shots
In the meantime, my troops reach the bridge and start to fire on the confederate unit at the mill door
His reserve enter the fray and fire back
Some of my soldiers cross the bridge on my left, but they are driven back from the confederates hidden behind the mill
More lead is sent to the confederates from the bridge
The flanking unit arrives, but goes out of control and charges the closest unit... the one on the bridge
My unit resist the charge, and after a couple of turns defeat the confederates which go out of action, but they are really battered and when they are shot at they go out of action too
My reserve unit goes in action
While on the left, exploting the fact that the confedrate behind the mill are busy shooting at the bridge, cross the river
A bad day for Giuseppe.... his commander is killed by a stray shot, the unit behind the mill start to retreat, while the one in reserve hold their ground
But nothing can stop the blue tide now, Giuseppe can not replace his commander, chaos spread among the troops and they decide to retreat, to fight another day


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